I went to Greenmeadows this morning to drop off the stuff I am sending to Lisa in the US. I bought her Dried Green Mangoes in Cebu and 2 jelly cases for her iphone 4s. Then, I got the birthday card she sent me.
I stopped by Mercato at the Fort to eat breakfast and to open the envelope.
I burst into tears when I saw what was attached to the card.
Lisa! Thank you! You are so sweet!
Short history ..... I wanted to have a haircut before my birthday but I could not afford to go to Louis Kee last August because of the expenses I incurred on my birthday month and a haircut was not a priority. I have been going to Louis since 2006 and I do not let anybody touch my hair even if I just keep it in a ponytail everyday. Knowing that it was Louis who styled my hair, it is enough for me to make me feel beautiful. Hahahahaha ... well the feeling is the same as wearing a very expensive pair of underwear and nobody knows but me when I am about town, it makes me feel beautiful.
I told Lisa, that I will just wait for another time to have my haircut.... hence.... the birthday surprise! She said in her card I do not have to wait anymore to become beautiful!!!
Another reason why I cried upon seeing my surprise was because this morning .... while I was looking for something on my headboard cubbyhole ... I saw a bunch of novena prayer books... one of them was a St. Expeditus (Bearer of Money saint) prayer ... and not thinking ... just read the very short novena prayer. It is way out of norm for me because I do not pray in the morning but at night before going to sleep.
I was not expecting anything ... I know, there is no way that money would be coming because it is not yet payday for me. So, you could just imagine my surprise when I opened the card.
It is a reminder that sometimes when I feel that God is not listening to me .... all I need to do is just say a sincere prayer and "Thy will be done".
Belated Happy Birthday Everyday, Lia!!!
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