That's a private joke between us....
It just means that I lost that twinkle in my eyes whenever I think of food.
I told my friends I need to be with them more often and cook more food, as well.
Mariger, Jing and I met quickly for a snack at Tuan Tuan, Rockwell the other day.
They are both March celebrants and I gave them their gifts.
We just ordered the Snow Buns
And Fried Milk.
FGM and I have been eating Chinese food these past few days.
First, at Mann Hann Century Mall
Sate Chami
Fresh Lumpia
Lumpiang Shanghai
Buko Sherbet
Then, yesterday at David's Tea House in Greenbelt.
Beef Hofan
Shanghai Spring Rolls
Chicken Feet.
Jing had breakfast in my house today. We had to go to Farmers to buy some things for Tita Jit.
We had Toasted English Muffins with butter and grape jam.
Lunch was at Taco Bell, Gateway.
Our GRAB car driver shared his Bagoong recipe with us.
I experimented today and it turned out good!
Sweet Bagoong
2 T. Pork fat cut into small cubes
Garlic, chopped
Onion, chopped
1/4 K. Kasim, diced
1/4 K. White sugar
1/2 t. Instant coffee
Render oil from fat. Wait until the fat turns golden.
Add the garlic and onions. Saute over low heat.
Add the chopped pork and continue sauteing until the liquid from the pork evaporates and oil comes out.
Add the alamang, stir and cook until almost dry.
Add the white sugar and coffee. Saute until almost dry.
Too bad I was not able to buy green mangoes!!!!
I bought my seafood supply for the holy week.
I cooked the Adobong pusit already.
I think, I'm beginning to gain back the "sparkol" I lost!
The ultimate game changer is the bone marrow!
But in the process.... My stomach is getting bigger and bigger! Hahahahahaha
I just need to remember this....
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