Yesterday, I figured... why don't I try again? I marinated 2 pcs. of pork chops in 2 T. soy sauce, black pepper and 1 t. calamansi juice for a few hours. Normally, the meat is fried then braised slowly, right? What I did was:
1. Braised the meat in 1 cup water for about 30 minutes until broth was reduced to 1/4 cup.
2. Then fried the pork chops slightly.
3. Put on a serving platter.
4. Sauteed white onion rings in the same oil in which the chops were fried.
5. Added the reduced stock and let it boil once.
6. Poured over the pork chops.
The result was fall of the bone tender pork chops and the fat and skin so soft you can cut it using a spoon!
So.... finally! I know how to make my favorite Pork Chop Steak!
I was also in the mood to eat Kilawin Puso ng Saging yesterday. While braising the pork chops, I went to Rockwell because I wanted to buy the kilawin from Milkyway ... when I got there... one small container cost 240 pesos!!! That was too much for a vegetable dish. I bought my own puso in Rustan's and it only cost 35 pesos. I made my own version.. super simple, no frills... I'm still waiting for my classmate Catherine to ask the cook of her Mom in law to give me the recipe.
No Frills Kilawin Puso ng Saging
1 white banana heart
Garlic, crushed
Onion, chopped
1 cup water
1 Knorr Pork cube
black pepper
1-2 T. vinegar
Have a big bowl ready with water and 2 T. rock salt. Remove the outer tough covering of the puso, then slice across the grain, dropping into the bowl of salted water as you slice. Soak for 5 minutes. Squeeze out the juice, rinse and drain.
Saute in cooking oil the garlic then the onion. Next, add the drained puso. Continue sauteing for a few minutes, add 1 cup water, pork cube and black pepper. When it boils, lower heat, cover and cook until tender. Add the vinegar and cook for another minute or two.
Too tired to cook something tonight so it was just "junk food" for me! Chili Dogs!!!! I used the long Purefoods German Franks, boiled in water for a few minutes then fried slightly in 1 T. cooking oil. I don't like the jumbo sized hotdogs because it is too short for the bread. I like using Olsen Hotdog buns because I think Sabrett uses the same. I wrapped the bread in foil and steamed it for 5 minutes.
The toppings:
Hormel Chili
Kraft Cheddar Cheese, grated
chopped white onions
coney island mustard
brown spicy mustard
I will be hungry the whole night if I just made 1 sandwich....sooo... it was back to back chili dogs for me! Hahahahahahaha
Just don't kiss anybody after eating my chili dogs!!!!
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