Monday, November 7, 2011

Guilty Pleasure

I have been reading several food blogs lately and surfing the net for what and where to eat in Boracay.  I will be going there with Celine and Mona in  few days.  Oh  Yes!!! Boracay! Here I come!

The pictures were so mouth watering and I could not wait anymore, so ...... I went to Seaside Macapagal this afternoon and bought crabs and prawns!

I bought a female crab, half kilo in weight.  I steamed it and when I cut it into two... this is what it looked like!!!! Take note: This is not a small crab, mind you.

There was more crab fat than white meat!!!  I really only want the aligue because it is easier to eat than picking the white meat.

I cooked it afterwards with Chili Sauce from my blog but it was not saucy enough for me.

So, I made a dipping sauce of patis, vinegar and garlic.

I was so afraid I saved the cover with lotssss of fat for Mona who is coming tomorrow.  Hehehehe. At least, I am not the only one whose cholesterol level will go up.  Share the pain and share the pleasure.

The crab was all right, it satisfied a yen but I still cannot wait to eat the crabs in Boracay because they are so sweet and the flesh so moist and succelent.

Soon......  just a few more nights .... and a crabbing we will go!!!!!


  1. Sarap Lia! i want one too :) How much per kilo? Sarita
