Thursday, February 6, 2014

Singkamas Salad

I cooked Adobo Chicharrones for my friend and neighbor, Tricia.

I prepared tomatoes and wansuy as well.

She brought Singkamas and red eggs! I have a new favorite side dish from now on with the Adobo Chicharrones!

Singkamas Salad!

It was very refreshing and I can serve it also with grilled meat or Fish.

Mayette suggested I serve the sauce separately from the meat.

Ohhhh lookie!!!!! Can you see the liquid gold?! That was the oil rendered from the Liempo!!!!!

The only way to enjoy it is to drizzle the oil and sauce over your hot steaming rice!

Yum!!! YUM! YUUUMMM!!!

The Wriggly Chronicles

Somebody wanted to eat Chicharrones too!


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