Thursday, August 1, 2013

My Birthday Food Wish List

I have several items on my birthday food wish list and I plan to eat everything on it this August.

One of them is....Talangka!

I went to Farmer's today and was very lucky because my seafood vendor had it.

Another early birthday present was delivered today!

Fleur de Sel


The rest of my Aunt Jemima syrup from my "fairy godmother". She already gave me one bottle when she came back from the US.

Thank you, Cindy!

I tried the chocolate cake from Cake Avenue.... Day 3 of my chocolate cake obsession!

A lot of people have been warning me to take it easy and not celebrate my birthday everyday!

It has been suggested by one of my Senior KST friends that instead of indulging everyday, I should just save the money and send a kid to school! She even said I should stop eating Lechon because it is bad for my health. She said to just eat "Misua" on my birthday!

Ohhhh NO!!!!! NO! NO! I already have a lot of birthday lunches and dinners scheduled! I am even going to Cebu this month to eat Lechon everyday!

I will just go on a diet again this September :) Promise! Promise! Promise!



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