I researched the net for Lengua recipes. I do not like with creamy mushroom sauce. I came across several variations of Lengua Mechada and added a little twist of my own. This recipe is not for the faint of heart, literally!
Lengua Mechada
1 K. Ox tongue
8 strips bacon
2 cloves garlic
1 white onion
button mushroom
1/2 C. white wine
1 C. tomato sauce
1/4 C. butter
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
salt and pepper
MSG (optional)
1 big potato, sliced thickly
olive oil
Clean and boil ox tongue until tender. Set aside the stock. When cool, remove thick white skin and slice.
Cook bacon strips until crisp. Brown the tongue slices in bacon oil. Then add garlic and onions - cook until transparent... then add the button mushroom.
Pour the white wine and simmer for about 5 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and mustard.
Add tomato sauce and butter, then 1 C. stock. Lower heat and simmer until sauce is thick.
Fry the potato in olive oil. Arrange in one layer on a platter. Top with the lengua and sprinkle crumbled bacon on top.
Jing's lunch contribution was the Onion Soup. I loved the stringy mozzarella cheese on top!!!
Jing's Onion Soup
white onion, slices
beef stock (3-4 C. water + 1 Knorr beef cube)
French bread slices
mozzarella cheese slices
Melt butter in a sauce pan, then caramelize the onions. Add the stock, simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. Season with pepper and thyme.
Ladle the soup into individual soup bowls. Put a slice of bread and cheese on top of the bowl. Bake or broil in the oven until the cheese melts.
The Lengua Mechada experiment was a success! I was so apprehensive because it was my first time to cook with tomato sauce. I hope next time I can let my other friends taste it also. Meanwhile .... I have to sell more stuff! Hahahaha and control Wriggly's shopping spree. He "bought" 1 Guess t-shirt and 2 stuffed toys.