We had a late lunch at a Bulalo restaurant along the highway. I took pictures but not worth uploading. The broth was flavorful and had lots of soft "litid" but not enough marrow, which is the only thing I like. After eating the "Pochero" at Abuhan in Cebu, nothing can compare with it. I really loved the deadly butter like marrow!
Our next itinerary was Marcia Adams' place. I called earlier in the day to ask for directions, talked to Marcia herself. She said the restaurant was closed for the day! I begged and asked if we could still go and look around. She answered, Yes!
Marcia's place is easy to find. It is just on the border of Tagaytay and Alfonso. When you get to the arch, turn right when you see a sign which says Ville Sommet. Just a few hundred meters away, on your left, you will see this door .....
You have reached Marcia Adams'! From what I have read in the blogosphere, they refer to the place as the Tuscany in Tagaytay. For me, I would say, the place has a rustic Italian countryside setting.
When the little gate opened, we were ushered into the most delightful garden. A narrow path led us down to the restaurant.
We saw several dining tables in private spots all over the garden.
An arched doorway
... led us to the main dining room which can accommodate several groups of people.
The place was airy and spacious.
Too bad we did not get to try Marcia's food. I've read that the pork dishes were really delicious, according to a blogger. There were mixed food reviews though. We all have different tastes and palates, so to each his own.
The best area was the Lounging Area.
It is a little private room and with the most amazing view of the sunset, again, according to some bloggers.
We did not stay long, just for a couple of the Ginger Beer
but perhaps next time we could wait for the sun to set.
I really felt that the whole concept of Marcia Adams' place was done with much passion and love. With a certain eye for the aesthetics but at the same time shows the unaffected grace of the woman behind it.
Thank you Marcia for letting us in to your wonderful little piece of heaven on earth!
My friend, Tricia, suggested we look for a place called, Memory Lane.
She was the one who also gave me the idea of using Cruising Tagaytay for the tittle of my post.
I was surprised to find a nice little country place!
It is owned by Jolina Magdangal and her parents are running it. We got a chance to talk to the nice couple. They said next time, we should try their Sinigang na Lechon and Bulalo Steak!
The place is really so cute, cozy and pretty,
... lots of whimsical stuff for sale and well put together.
They even have a small function hall at the back.
It was late so we only had tea, coffee and french toast! Hahaha ... breakfast food!
From the corner of LZM in Magallanes Square, coming from the rotunda, turn right until you see the blue cottage.
We heard mass at the chapel of The Little Souls Sisters Convent.
The sisters were wearing a peach colored habit, the pews and kneeler were upholstered in peach. Their curtains were peach. And they had the most fascinating "image" of Christ. During the consecration, they switched on a hologram machine and Jesus was seen in 3D! Amazing, it was my first time to lay eyes on something like that.
A trip to Tagaytay for me is not complete without passing by Mushroom Burger. I was the only one who ordered the sandwich, though. I have fond memories of it with my friends. Jing's family used to have several houses and we were always invited. Those were the good ole days when we were still young and could climb a hill without feeling pain in our joints! Hahahaha. Lia! Too much Lechon and Bulalo!
Thanks Celine for driving for us. It was a good and positive day which started with a text message from her: Be happy my friend! Let's go to Tagaytay!
Cruising Tagaytay indeed!